
Monday, 24 September 2018

for the last 3 weeks our teachers have set up a competition for the most comments.
If you don't know how to comment here is what you do is you go down Intel you see the comment bar then push the button and then you can comment

Please comment and Thunk you

Friday, 21 September 2018

  • This is some of the materials that you would need
  • Copper coin
  • Bunsen burner
  • Tripod
  • Heat mat
  • Gauze mat
  • 50ml beaker
  • Scissor tongs
  • Zinc metalZinc Nitrate solution
  • Here are some pictures that we have gotPlease comment and follow
  • This was fun and got a good result of our coin Which changed color

Friday, 14 September 2018

Ice,Match And Salt Experiment

In science, we did another cool experiment. The name of the experiment is called the ice experiment because we used ice and a match. Science is always fun because of the experiments.

What Happened?
What happens is the ice and the salt together makes the ice dissolve.
If you put salt, a little stick and ice together you put a little bit of salt on the match and the match should stick to the ice and the ice should come up with the matchstick. Also, some groups were trying to make it but they took almost 20 minutes. Our group was the first one to do the experiment I think we followed the instructions. If you don't follow the instructions it will not work.

What do you need:
  • A bowl of cold water
  • A matchstick
  • An ice cube
  • Table salt


  1. Place the ice cube carefully in the bowl of cold water
  2. Gently place the match lengthwise on top of the ice and try to lift the ice cube
  3. Put the matchstick back on the ice and sprinkle a little salt along the line where it touches the ice cube
  4. Wait for 30 seconds and then attempt to pick up the ice cube again

Why do we sprinkle salt on icy roads? Because the salt makes the ice melt faster to lower the freezing.