- butter,
- Baking Powder
- milk
- Lemonade
- Baking Soda
- oven
- tray
- cup
- spoon
- ProcessPour different materials into a bowl mix the the stuff together you will need to get it tho the right textureShape it into a ball to it stops sticking to your hand1 Grab all the ingredients you need2 put them in the bowl one at a time3 Mix it in a bowl4 shape it with your hands5 put it on a tray6 cook itfindingsTrailcolourstasteheightnormalCrispy Goldvery good40mmlemonadeGodly yellownot good45mmNo baking soda and lemonadeBrown and goldReally gross46mmConclusionI thought the lemonade and no baking soda and lemonade is good but it wasn't it was very bad