
Friday 27 November 2020



  1. Helps to chop food

  2.  Help to grind food

  3.  You got K9 teeth and  incisors, canines, premolars


  1. A tube that goes to the stomach 


  1. Break down the food

  2. Acid

  3. Mussel to break down the food

Small intestine

  1. It absorb all the nutrients and pushes it to the big intestine

Big intestine 

  1. The water gets sucked out of the food then it gets pushed it to the rectum


  1. The pushes it to the anus then gets pooped it out


1. I liked playing the drums and piano this year  
2. learning the the piano 
3. i didn't perform because i didn't have enough time to do mine 
4. i didn't perform
5. i didn't perform 
6.i didn't perform 

Thursday 12 November 2020

Challenge charts

  So today we have been learning about challenge charts.  We had to write down a challenge that one of the characters had faced.  This meant that we had to explain in detail the challenge and how they reacted to it.  I chose to focus on The 'Other' Mother and Coraline.  This was because they were the easiest to talk about.

The 'Other' Mother


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Discovery Task

 In Health we were set a task that required us to research a topic of our interest but in my case, it was Anabolic Steroids. Our set success criteria were to answer 5 questions and then write down the strategies. The topic that I chose was Anabolic Steroids. Photo of us working:

Firstly we had to find out our 5 big questions. Once we had our 5 BIG questions we gave our paragraph answers. From there we had to create a source that shows off our learning. We chose to make/create a Kahoot we chose to do this because it is easy and it is fun to use. Screenshot of the plan:

It was challenging when we were trying to find out our 5 big question answers. I coped with the challenge by researching harder and trying to simplify it into an easier way to understand it. I worked well with others because we split the workup. Next time I will talk more so we can get the work done even faster. I am really proud of how much work I have done.
Link to Kahoot: Anabolic Steroids

Friday 6 November 2020

Heart Dissection

 Heart Dissection

What are we learning about?

In science we are learning about the heart and the circulatory system. 

Why are we dissecting heart?

We dissected a heart to look at the insides of the heart.

What are the parts of the heart? Did you see them?

When dissecting the heart we saw the valve, vertical, part of the arteries, and the septum.

Did you enjoy the dissection? Why/why not?

At the start I did enjoy the dissection because I like cutting the heart. By the end the dissection it was less enjoyable because of the smell and the blood

Tuesday 13 October 2020


  Camera Techniques.

Camera Shots: 

  • Extreme Close Up 
  • Close up 
  • Medium Close up 
  • Medium Shot 
  • Long Shot 
  • Long (Wide) Shot 
  • Extreme Long Shot
  • Point Of View
  • Mise En Place 

Camera Angles: 

  • Low Angle
  • High Angle 
  • Eye Level 
  • Birds Eye Level 
  • Dutch Tilt
  • Tilt

Camera Movements: 

  • Tracking
  • Pan
Examples of Camera shots and camera angles. 

Extreme Close up - 
Extreme Close-Up Shots: Creative Examples That Work

Close up - 
What is the Close-Up Shot? Examples of Camera Angle & Movement

Medium Close up - 
AS Media Shema: Research and Planning - Medium Close Up Shots

Medium Shot - 
Types of Shots in a Film: Building a Shot List

Medium Long Shot - 
Medium Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Long Shot - 
Wide Shots: How The Best Directors Shoot Wide Angles

Long (wide) shot - 
The Wide Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Extreme Long Shot - 
50+ Types of Camera Shots & Angles | Long shot, Camera shots, Movie shots

Low Angle - 
Low Angle Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

High Angle - 
High Angle Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Eye Level - 
How to Use the Beautifully Neutral Eye Level Shot

Birds Eye View - 
The Aerial Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Dutch Tilt - 
Should You Use A Dutch Angle Shot in Your Films? (Answer: Yes, But...)

Pan - 
Best Camera Movement GIFs | Gfycat

Tilt - 
What is a Dutch Angle? Creative Examples of Camera Shots and Movement

Tracking - 
The Shining - Tracking Shot GIF | Gfycat

What am I learning? 
I'm learning about different types of camera angles, shots and movements. 

How does this work show my learning? 
It shows my understanding on which categories these different types of angles, shots and movements go in and also the photos show what the different things look like. 

What am I wondering?
I am wondering how they film most of these so I will research more about them to get a better understanding.  

Tuesday 22 September 2020


Today in science we have been learning how do hands work, we made a hand to show you how it works. The hand has lots of parts which are Bones, Joints, Muscles, Tendons, and ligaments. These are all the parts that make your hand move. Bones is really helpful for us human because it helps us provide support. 

How do hands work? The movements of the hand are always started by the muscles in your forearm. Hands have a lot of things that help human beings one is we use our hand to write or hold something that is heavy or not. 

The human hand is made up of the wrist, palm, and fingers and has 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles, and over 100 ligaments, and tendons, and many blood vessels and nerves.

Thursday 17 September 2020


 1. We learned all different types of instruments, piano/keyboards, guitars and ukulele.

2. I enjoy playing the piano just because i'm the man at it and everyone is jealous, it makes my feel happy.

3. Ukulele and guitar because my hands were to big and i couldn't hold it up.

4. did piano and it was my Favorited  

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Math reflection


Algebra in Science

In this hurumanu, we have been learning how to solve algebra and geometry. It is really easy to solve algebra but it sometimes gets difficult when its expressions include at least one variable and at least one operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

What I like about this Hurumanu is that we can learn but also played when all the work is finish. I also like how the teacher teaches us because it is really easy to understand.

Here is how we proof Algebra in science:

Thursday 20 August 2020

The piano

 1. First piano was made in Italy by  Bartolomeo Cristofori

2.what the first piano looked like

The Piano: The Pianofortes of Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655–1731 ...

3.You have to press hard on the keys on a piano, but since the keys on the keyboard is made of plastic it is easier the press down on

4. I like the electric piano because you can touch the tiles easier  

Friday 31 July 2020

social study's

what we did

what we need to do: is the leaders speech

Friday 26 June 2020

my piano skills

music questions

1.  piano because ricci was playing piano
2.  see you again because it was easy
3.  i didn't have a challenge
4.  i didn't like my recording because i messed up at the end
5. to learn more piano
6.  not really but i was happy because i got what i thought i could get
7. that i could play the piano

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Monday 15 June 2020

Monday 25 May 2020

What i did in P.E.

P.E. Table tennis / Juggling balls 

The first person I was versing Lasa he was better that me I got some points but Lasa got more me. The second person I played was Nate he was better then me as well. Then i versed Lars he was better then me. and then i versed James I beat more times then he beat me. Ricci was the hardest person to versed. After I was juggling fabric cloths in till I got the hang of juggling the fabric cloths and then I got the juggling the balls first I juggled two balls then I got good at juggling two balls then went to three balls then i went back to table tennis again. I was playing table tennis in till it was interval.     

Thursday 9 April 2020

Tukotahi's Poetic Writing

During the Holidays I liked swimming
During the Holidays I found stones
During the Holidays I decided to go swimming 
During the Holidays I disliked idk
During the Holidays I helped my parents
During the Holidays I felt happy
During the Holidays I saw  stones
During the Holidays I needed nothing
During the Holidays I made 
During the Holidays I stayed at my dads house
During the holidays I played on the xbox
During the Holidays I sought
During the Holidays I thought it was fun
During the Holidays I fought 
During the Holidays I caught a fish
During the Holidays I bought lollies
During the Holidays I loved having  homemade burgus
During the Holidays I hated when 
During the Holidays I dreamt of 
During the Holidays I remembered i caught my first fish
During the Holidays I spoke 
During the Holidays I set 
During the Holidays I bet 
During the Holidays I ate homemade burgus
During the Holidays I drank fizzie
During the Holidays I visited the beach
During the Holidays I watched it 2
During the Holidays I stopped
During the Holidays I planned 
During the Holidays I took 
During the Holidays I imagined

Thursday 19 March 2020


In Social Studies we have been focusing on a topic called Alaskan Tsunami. We had to create a graph of different famous land mark heights and also watched a short video/ trailer of a movie, of a Tsunami.
Here is my Graph:

zombie apocalypse

A few weeks ago at the start of the year in Social Studies, we were talking about Zombie Apocalypse and visualizing ourselves if we were in Zombie Apocalypse in real life. We watched a small scene of the walking dead just for us to brain storm before doing any work and then we had a look at the 31 survival rules for us to know how to survive in a Zombie Apocalypse. Here is one of my posters:


A few weeks back in Social Studies, we have been focusing on one of the topics called Pompeii, The Lost City. We did some research on what happened, Where is happened, What caused it, How many people died and etc. We also had to create a Article about it and add all of our information we found off the internet.

Here is my Article:

Mount Vesuvius, a volcano near the Bay of Naples in Italy, has erupted more
than 50 times. It's the most famous eruption took place on August 24 79 CE,
when the volcano buried the ancient roman city of pompeii under a thick carpet
of volcanic ash.
Two Thousand people died and the city was abandoned for almost as many years. 
Pompeii was impacted by causing earthquakes and tsunami from the volcano,
which also helped destroy the environment in Pompeii.
The damage caused by the volcano also had long term effects on
neighboring cities such as Herculaneum, Stabiae and Torre Annunziata. 
People eventually left Pompeii in different directions.  

Map of Pompeii:

Picture of Pompeii after the chaos:
